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Thursday, January 1

Adorable new year messages for my loved ones....

Here's my New Year prayer for you...every single person reading this. You will get in 2015, a kind
of miracle you've never received before. You will succeed beyond your imagination. God will fulfill
his promise in your life, everything you have ever prayed, asked for, He'll give to you. He will bless
you beyond your wildest dreams. He will lift you,strengthen you, and fight your battles for you.

Every time one door closes, He will open another one for you. He will put your enemies to shame.
He will change your life in 2015. Something great,miraculous, and breathtaking will happen in your
life in 2015 in Jesus name. Every miracle that God will do in your life will never be reversed in Jesus
name, Amen. When the list of great men with uncommon breakthroughs are compiled this year,your name will be included in Jesus name, Amen.
Your struggles have ended with 2014 in Jesus name, Amen.
May love, money, peace, health come in abundance in Jesus name. God will use you to
bless your family, your friends, your community and the world. May 2015 be the beginning of the
best years of your life in Jesus name.

May God bless you, your loved ones and everyone in the world
Happy 2015.

Holarns wishes you Happy New Year

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