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Saturday, January 17

Heartbroken: Beauty Queen Die of beauty..

It's so sad to see Catherine Cando Cornejo – a gorgeous 19-year-old who won "Queen of Duran" in
Ecuador in October to give up to ghost... She died on Saturday while
having abdominal liposuction in Guayaquil....

According to NY Post: The brunette
stunner was admitted to a Guayaquil clinic at 8:23 a.m. – hoping to slim one inch from her already small waist.

But nearly 10 hours later her family was notified that she had died.

They claim it was due to medical

"The doctor insisted on several occasions and convinced her to undergo surgery" her brother Daniel Zavala Cornejo said.

"She was thinking about letting someone else have it as a freebie but eventually she agreed to have it just to get him off her back," he said..

According to Carlos Reyes, a family lawyer– the beauty queen, who was also a student and a model, died of cerebral edema (swelling of the brain).

"The clinic lawyer said the death was due to cardiac arrest — but we have a copy of the autopsy and it turns out the cause was stated as cerebral edema; this is presumably due to problems with anesthesia," Reyes said.

The surgery was awarded as part of the winning prize in the pageant.

But a spokesman for the mayor of Duran said the doctor who performed the operation was one of the judges at the pageant and offered to give the pageant winner a $1,000 coupon for surgery.

"I was told she had died of a brain
edema, but the clinic staff told her
relatives that she had died of a cardiac arrest. We made it clear that the prizes we hand out, our prizes, were a car and tablet," he said.

Pictured below, mourners at Miss Canto's funeral, which was held just months after she was named winner of the beauty contest

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