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Sunday, January 25

I almost killed myself because I was pregnant for a younger man -Toyin Lawani

It's a beautiful Sunday to express how you really felt designer, stylist and business woman talk about the
challenges of dating a man way

"I Remember when I got pregnant I
was so scared to let the world know, No1 had a clue until they saw me on the runway at Africa fashion week london,was almost 8months then,I used to worry Alot abt what people would say if i had a baby for
someone younger, My Boo would
Beg me endlessly and say my love
care not I'm by your side,His parents where so Amazing and
supportive,i was so shocked cause I
didn't expect that kind of love and
support, I almost didn't want to go
through with it, severally I would
change my mind,I will sit in d hospital thinking endlessly should I
or should I not, my doc will say
Toyin its just 9months..

A positive voice constantly kept
telling me My love when you meet
this bundle of joy in your stomach
you will not care ....And A lot of negative voices kept begging me to
take it out that it was a bad
idea,Well Imagine if I had listened
to the world or if I was too scared to
carry on cause of what people will

I would have missed out on this
Beautiful Blessing....My son is the
most handsome Boy ever I've ever
seen and so is my Beautiful daughter...Happy Sunday yall Don't
let voices of others make you kill
your Blessings,Believe in Yourself
and ask God for help cause he's the
only man that can get you
there....Too many kill Joy in this so
called Nigeria but im sorry to burst
your bubble,i dont Give a Shit about
wht society think ,i came to this
world Alone and im Going
Alone,Live your life to the fullest
cause oneday you will look back and realize u missed out on all the things u could have done for urself ,just because you cared too much about wht society would say or Think abt u..Anytime I feel down I look at my kids @lilatmfashionista and @lordmaine1 and all I do is
Smile..went thru Alot but through it
all only one person stood by me
@lordtrigg Thanks for this Blessing...Even my so called Best friend told me ah toyin if u leave ur ex u will suffer oo and i told her hey dear dont forget i have my talent and handwork ,i will just suffer for a while,I thank God that I don't look like what I've been tru..I Thank God for his continous Blessings on my life and family #ATMFASHIONISTA

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