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Saturday, January 24

I Nearly Kill myself When I Have Nothing-Halima Abubakar Voice out

Before Actress Halima Abubakar said she wanted to commit suicide after going into depression? But She has now opened up on the real reason she was in that state of mind.. But recently told punch news that she was broke!

"There were a lot of things that
were wrong with me and led to my
depression. I was angry, broke,
people lied against me and they
were also using my name to lie. I
was deceived by the people I loved.
I was seriously broke at the time and I had lots of responsibilities.
"There were many charity projects I
was involved in and I was doing
everything with my money. Everything just got to me at the
same time and I felt fed-up. I
wanted to kill myself because there
was nobody to help me. It happened two years ago and it also occurred last year. I thank God I did not kill myself because I realised that nothing is worth it. I was upset with myself when I got back to my senses because the people you want to kill yourself for,do not really care about you. It was a terrible phase in my life," she said.

When asked her,why her boyfriend could not help her out, Halima said he compounded her case instead of helping out.

"He was not helping matters. I
wanted somebody that would listen
and not say that I was lying or
exaggerating the extent of what I
was going through. Whenever I tell
him I am sad, he wants to give me
money but it is not all about money
all the time.
"Yes, I said I was broke but it was
not only about money. I was broken
emotionally. If there is no hope, I
feel I am broken. I needed a listening ear. The definition of broke
is relative but Nigerians think it is
only about money. Money was also
involved. The first major problem I
had was money; then I was also
emotionally broken," she said.

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