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Friday, April 10

You Can Never Tell When You Ready For Marriage -Seyi Law

During an interview with the Encomium, popular Comedian Oluwaseyitan Aletile Lawrence, popularly known as Seyi Law open up about relationships tips and also once again talk about his unsaved daughter...

People are of the opinion that marriage makes people more responsible, is that true?  

There are people who are married and still live like individuals. So, marriage is not what makes you responsible. However, responsibility is something that you build even before you get married which includes the way you treat others.That determines how you would treat your spouse and children. The most important thing is to learn to be responsible before you venture into marriage.

 What would you say to youths who are looking forward to getting married?

The truth is you never can tell when you are ready for marriage unless you understand you are not perfect and the person you want to be with is not perfect too but when you understand you can make yourself the best person suitable for that person, then you can get married. The most important thing is for you to absolutely make yourself a better person for whoever will come and as you improve on yourself, God will also help the other person to improve. One thing I always tell people is if you learn to communicate with God better as individuals, you will learn to communicate better with each other.

When talking about his unsaved daughter :

"What most people did not understand was a cesarean was done, the baby was brought out alive and the doctors tried to save the baby, but after about six hours, the baby lost the battle. So, it was not miscarriage. After the birth, I had the baby in my arms. I heard the baby cry. I remember I was in the theatre with them when they brought out the baby and I fainted " he said.

He also talked about how he and his wife are coping with the loss.

"I would say, she is the strongest woman I have ever known not because she is my wife, but because she was able to recover fast knowing full well I had to do little or nothing to console her which was why I was scared. The fear in me grew because I was scared of consoling her. How would I be able to hold her hands and say everything is okay, how would I look into her eyes and say it will be alright and much more which was what drove me to write on my Instagram page because I needed people to talk to me and let me know how to talk to her" said Seyi Law.

"After the whole thing, I was at the hospital with her which was something that gave her strength because when she opened her eyes, I was the first person she saw and she was able to hold my hands. The only thing I was able to do was to keep praying. I can't say my words were the most comforting, but I think God had gone before me to comfort her because I was not sure. I just kept telling her you would be a mother very soon and people are going to celebrate you. Just allow this phase to pass and you would know that God is awesome" he further said.

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