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Tuesday, June 2

Caitlyn Jenner Lashes Out at Kris Jenner, Kris Fire Back | Must Read

Caitlyn Jenner talking about relationships with Kris Jenner, she said :

"The first 15 years I felt she needed me more because I was the breadwinner. Then really around the show, when that hit and she was running the whole show and getting credit for it and she had her own money, she didn't need me as much from that standpoint.… I think in a lot of ways she became less tolerant of me.

A lot of times she wasn't very nice. People would see how I got mistreated. She controlled the money, all that kind of stuff."

Kris, who did not appear in The Interview with Diane Sawyer, still feels like she doesn't understand her ex-husband's transition. Kris fired back in the interview:

""Why would you want to be married and have kids if this is what you wanted since you were a little boy? Why would you not explain this all to me? He was married to me and he wasn't who he wanted to be so he was miserable.

All I was doing was working very hard for my family so that we could all have a wonderful future, and he was pissed off. At the end of my relationship with Bruce he definitely had a lot of social anxiety. … That was one of the reasons we were in a struggle at the end."

And when Caitlyn went public with her transformation, Kris said she was stunned:

"It was like the most passive-aggressive thing I think I ever experienced."

Still, Caitlyn says that any focus on her gender issues as the reason for the split is misguided, and that most of it was Kris' fault. She insists:

"Twenty percent was gender and 80 percent was the way I was treated."

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