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Thursday, June 11

The Game : Rapper To Pay $12 million For Every Single Punch He Threw In The Basketball Game

The Game who recently hand himself over to the police has been order to pay $12 million for every single punch he threw in a basketball game...

Via TMZ :

In new court docs, Onyebuchi Awaji -- the off-duty cop Game decked -- says he's suffered a ton of physical, emotional, and financial pain due to the incident:

Pain and suffering: $1,000,000 Emotional distress: $1,000,000 Medical expenses (to date): $50,000 Medical expenses (future): $100,000 Punitive damages: TEN MILLION DOLLARS

In the docs, Awaji says Game has yet to respond to the lawsuit, which was filed in April.

Don't let the video fool ya -- suddenly, there's nothing cheap about this shot.

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