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Wednesday, July 22

79-Year-Old Great-Grandma Ran Away From Hospital To Premiere a Tattoo

Even a 79 year old woman, also want a little bit of fashion.. According to UK Mirror, great-grandmother who went missing from her care home turned up in a tattoo palour...

Rebellious Sadie Sellers disappeared to get her first inking at the grand old age of 79.

Her Son, Tony Sellers, was baffled when he arrived for his daily visit to see his mum, only to discover an empty wheelchair in her room. He eventually tracked his mum down to a tattoo parlour in Londonderry, Northern Ireland.

And when Sadie was asked what her family would think of the tattoo, the retired civil servant said:

"I don't f***ing care".

Sadie said:

"When you get to my age, you just have to live life to the full every day.
"I was talking about it with Samantha(her granddaughter) for a couple of weeks and she showed me hers. She came in one day after her holiday and I just thought: 'Well I'll get one too'.

"I'm absolutely made up with mine. I asked the fella how long it would take and he said it had finished five minutes ago. I never felt a thing. He just laughed at me."

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