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Wednesday, February 25

Arsenal coach, Arsene Wenger Pledge To Train Nigerian Coaches

In the process of  building a strong team and play a nice good football in Nigeria, NFF President, Amaju Pinnick, who recently visit the London coach, arsene wenger has revealed that his visit to Arsenal was not to talk about players alone, as Arsene Wenger was teaching him some trade secrets, which has made Arsenal a very top side.

The President further stated that, "if you want to be the best, then you must roll with the best, as the English Premier League manager will start tutoring handlers of Nigeria national teams.

"Arsene taught me a couple of things during my visit even in administration. You need to learn from the best to be ranked among the best". he said "I hailed his knowledge, he's truly a professor.

It goes beyond just teaching you things on the field, there's need to also gain some knowledge off the field too. He has also pledged to make himself available to us whenever we needed to train our senior coaches, Arsene was overwhelmed by our visit."

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