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Tuesday, February 24

Check Out The Best Jokes Of The Week So Far

On friday, I was sitting in the church,my friend invited me for a programme, and when it was time for offering, the offering basket was passed around. Despite the pastor  charge for gud offering, I still hurriedly and secretly pulled out N50 from my pocket and dropped it. Just then, the person behind me tapped me on the shoulder and handed me a N1,000 note. I smiled, how generous, then majestically I looked around and put the N1,000 in the basket and passed it on, then I turned and thanked d man seriously for being so generous. He replied "don't mention, be more careful next time, it fell from ur pocket" Whaaaat???!!!!!. ... I started to call ushers please wait wrong Transaction!!!!!!....

A Girl started noticing a Guy standing in-front of her home everyday in the evening. She started observing him after coming back from college & week-ends.
The guy never tried to talk to her nor showed any gesture, he just moves here & there by looking into his mobile and occasionally looking at her. It went on like that for a year and the Girl understood the Guy's love for her & his decent behaviour. So, she told her parents. They too saw him & liked him. They called her grand parents too to decide about the marriage. So, everyone told her to go & talk to him as he seem too shy... Next day she went to him & said: "Hi... I'm Radha.." Guy: "Hi... I'm Krishna.." Hearing this the Girl was very happy as the names were matching like Lord Krishna & Radha Devi. Girl went on & said: "I really appreciate ur patience & decency. U have been standing infront of my home everyday for about a year now. So, I understand that u love me so much... & I too love u and want to marry U". Guy: Smiled & Said.... "Forgive me sister! Actually Ur home's WIFI doesn't have a password. So, I come here to use free wi-fi to chat with my girlfriend....

Good Morning...  Lovely Day Ahead To All My Readers

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