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Friday, February 13

My Marriage Is In The Hands Of God-Ebube Nwagbo

The Nigeria actress Ebube Nwagbo said her marriage is in the hands of God.. In the recent interview the nollywood actress had with the  Encomium magazine,when asked when she intends to get married 

She said

I really have no idea but one thing I
am doing for sure is that, I am
taking my life one day as it comes.
So, I won't say a yes or a no because my life is a script written out by God and I'm acting it.

On her success story ,she said

Being where I am in the industry
today was a lot of hard work. It
takes God's grace to push anybody
thus far and being on top, you have
to behave and respect yourself and
also understand the reason why we
are where we are and not to forget
the reason why we are doing what
we do. I would say my secret is
being myself and not letting anything weigh me down or bother
me. Yes, temptations will come but
your ability to move ahead makes it
worth living.

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