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Thursday, March 26

Been Famous Is Part Of Me-Kylie Jenner

The half sister of Kim Kardashian Kylie Jenner who will become an adult on August 10th said to the Remix Magazine that been famous is part of her life because at age 9 of her life people have started showing so much attention to them...

She said :

My family always jokes that I'm
always off doing my own thing and
they never know where I am,
'I'm about to turn 18, so I'm starting
to do more of my own stuff, like
acting and other stuff I'm interested
in. Kendall hangs out with my family a lot, I hang out with my friends a lot.'

Throughout my whole life my dad
was famous and had a name, so I
was used to that. Then I was nine
when we started the show, when
people started paying a lot of
attention to Kim,' she explained to
the magazine.

'I didn't really know what was going
on. I can't remember a time when
people didn't know us. For me this is just a normal thing.'

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