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Friday, April 10

Justin Bieber Arrest Warrant Has Been Issued In Argentina !!!

The Canadian singer Justin Bieber is surely a wanted man in Argentina.. Today, Judge Alberto Banos of Argentina has ordered the
"immediate detention" of Bieber for failing to show up for questioning related to the alleged assault of
a paparazzo in Buenos Aires

According to the story, the warrant is because of 2013 drama and the story was been delivered as this :

Back in November 2013, Bieber and one of his bodyguards, Terrence Reche Smalls and Hugo Alcides Hesny, were accused of allegedly assaulting photographer Diego Pesoa, who was trying to take a photo of the singer leaving a Buenos Aires nightclub.

This past November, Bieber had been ordered to appear for questioning, but he was a no-show. On Friday, Judge Banos order Bieber to be arrested, if he ever traveled to Argentina. "I consider it
pertinent to order the immediate detention of the accused," Banos' order read. The judge also demanded that Bieber's bodyguards be arrested. If convicted for causing bodily injuries, Bieber could face anywhere between one month and six years in prison...

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