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Monday, April 13

Kendall Jenner Chase Amber Rose Away From Her Spot At The Coachella Party !!!

This is a funny reports from Us Weekly.. According to them,  Amber & her friends were seated at a cabana in the McDonald's and Chevrolet Pool Party at the Bootsy Bellows estate.

But unfortunately for Amber, the place she seated with her friends in the cabana was being reserved for the Kardashian girl Kendall Jenner and her crew.

Kendall Jenner response on getting there:

" No way, this is not happening," said Kendall allegedly, who then sent an escort to ask Amber to leave.

Amber Rose replied After she was asked to stand up :

" Well, my drink is here! " but Kendall wasn't having it & had Amber escorted out anyway. She reportedly gave Kendall a major side-eye as she made her exit...

Though Amber Rose and the Kardashian aren't so close, don't you think Kendall Jenner is so rude???  Share your thoughts

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