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Friday, May 8

" I don’t want you to go crazy.” - Kim Kardashian To Kylie Jenner

Kim Kardashian is actually helping her half sister Kylie Jenner and she definitely don't want her to go crazy...

Recently, there was a lip rumors circulating around Kylie Jenner and Khloe Kardashian also confirmed the rumors...

But in a preview of Sunday's "Keeping Up With The Kardashians." Kim tells Kylie that there's nothing wrong with her getting her lips plumped, but says she should "own up to it."

"Your lips look amazing," says Kardashian, adding, "I don't want you to get like carried away. The lips are not permanent, but if they start asking about your lips, just own up to it." Kendall Jenner then jumps into the conversation between Kim and Kylie, telling her sisters they should stop "freaking out" because they're "beautiful" the way they are.

Kim, however, says she doesn't see anything wrong with changing a part of one's body if someone feels insecure about it. "Who doesn't want to look amazing," explains Kim, noting, "You only have one life, and from what I realized from what all of us have gone through is do what makes you happy." She quickly adds, "To an extent. I don't want you to go crazy."..

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