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Sunday, May 10

Wole Soyinka To Be Elected As The Oxford Professor Of Poetry !!

Wole Soyinka a Nobel Laureate is set to be elected as the Oxford professor of poetry on June 19, 2015 after emerging as the leading candidate for the role....

According to the Guardian UK reports, Soyinka has already gathered more than 90 nominations, including votes from writers, Melvyn Bragg and Robert Macfarlane.. And in order to be a candidate for the 300-year-old position, which is seen as the top academic poetry role in the UK, you need to be nominated by at least 50 Oxford graduates...

The role is currently occupied by eminent poet, Geoffrey Hill who will complete his five-year tenure this summer.

Also competing for the position are Ian Gregson, a poet, literary critic and professor of creative writing at Bangor University who has 54 nominations and Seán Haldane, a poet and award-winning novelist who has 51 nominations.

The Oxford Professor of Poetry will give one public lecture a term and will earn a stipend of £12,000 a year.

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