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Sunday, June 14

Am a Complete Boring Man, Studio All Day -Kanye West

Husband of reality star, Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, said he is a boring Man, he spent most of his time in the studio...He told Hot 97's Ebro and Nessa,

'I'm completely boring actually, 'I'm not at the club, I'm never at One Oak. All I do is go to the studio everyday.'

About his daughter, North, he said:

'I gotta take [her] to tap class.'And gym class. They do all types of swings.'But when it's said and done, if you look at the past 10 years, have I contributed more or took away more from the world?'I have the bravery to take the hit
and for people to call me names, call my wife names, call my daughter...we take the hit,'And I'll take the hit, constantly.'

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