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Monday, June 1

President Buhari Must Not Allow Government Officials To Fly First Class - CSN

President Muhammadu Buhari must not allow any government officials to fly first class, the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria has urged the new President...

The CSN released a statement through its organizations, Catholic Caritas Foundation of Nigeria and Justice Development and Peace Commission. The statement reads:

"We welcome the fact that Buhari flew back to Nigeria in an economy class, and urge that a directive be issued as quickly as possible that no public official should travel first class with public funds, as this action alone can save millions of Naira which could transform whole

"We believe that having been proven to be corruption-free, Muhammadu Buhari is in the best position to lead a moral revolution that will strengthen the institutions of state and the rule of law and lead Nigeria into a pride of place in which the black man will be respected all over the world."

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