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Sunday, July 5

Exposure Of Youths To Social Media Brought About Insurgency - Emir Of Kano Sanusi

Sanusi said the exposure of youths to Facebook, Twitter et al brought about insurgency.

Sanusi made this statement at the 10th annual Ramadan lecture titled "The challenges of Muslim Ummah in the 21st Century," organised by VON, NTA and FRCN in Kaduna.

According to him, "With information technology and the emergence of the internet and social media, today, youths go on the computer and learn Islam from Facebook and Twitter. They learn Islam from video's they watch on Facebook and after 14 to 15 hours of watching new things, they feel the need to become jihadists.

"They get up and go to Iraq or Syria or somewhere and join the groups, and there are no controls. Right inside your house, your son can be sitting upstairs in the bedroom getting indoctrinated into an extremist without your knowledge. We need to watch what our children watch and we need to talk to them. If we do not give them the correct Islamic Education, they will find the wrong education on the internet"

"You have children going to England and becoming radicalised in America, on the internet, not only in the Muslim countries. So, we need to make sure that we give our children correct Islamic education especially to take them away from religion extremism.

"In the 21st Century, the Muslim Ummah is facing enormous challenges. This century is facing challenges such as changing from traditional lifestyle to modern lifestyles," he concluded.

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