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Wednesday, July 15

Things To Know Before Or If You Are Dating a Single Mother

Are you dating a single mother or are you planning to date one????  If yes, then here are the things you needs to know...

Dating a single mom offers a wide range of benefits and it also comes with a lot of responsibilities as it takes much more to date a single mother than to date a single lady without kids.

1. You can't be a player anymore.

This step is more for your protection than anything else. You certainly can be a player if that is all you are looking for, but unless you know for sure that the single mom you are wooing wants the same thing, this could seriously backfire on you.
There are single moms out there
actively seeking a ring on their finger, and if you play games with the wrong one, you will find yourself in a mess that you'd rather not be in.

2. Don't be fake

Don't pretend to like her or pretend you are interested, just so that you can have a fling.
You never know, her game plan may be just the same as yours, even if that fling is all you are looking for.

Be genuine and sincere, hint, be yourself, and she will welcome the opportunity to spend some time with you. A man who is sincere and shows genuine interest with no ulterior motive is any girls' dreams whether she is a single mom or not.

3. Be Genuine with her

You can't just be genuine with her, you have to be genuine with her children.  If it does get to the point where you meet the kids, be yourself once again.

Kids are almost smarter than single parents and will know when someone is being fake with them. Be nice to them, and show genuine interest in them.  It won't be long before they start reciprocating.

4. Romance Her!

Flirt with her, a single mom will definitely appreciate the romantic attention you provide. Use your imagination here and be creative.
Romance works best when it is unexpected and not obvious.  Send her a sweet text or an email to let her know you are thinking of her, or even just check in to see how the little one's day at school went. Small attention to details will sweep her off her feet more
than grandiose gestures will.

5. Be Flexible

Flexibility is key when dating a single mom because she is always juggling a lot at once and has no one to share her responsibilities with.
She may be sure one day that she can make plans with you, but have to cancel at the last minute if a doctor's appointment comes up or any number of factors that could cancel a date in a heartbeat.
She may not be able to plan too much ahead of time either. Or maybe she can and maybe that's easiest for her.
Every situation with every single mom is different, but being flexible will make both of your lives a little easier.
You may find you have to meet midweek for lunch instead of Saturday night for dinner.
Her priorities may be a little bit different, but that doesn't mean she's not looking to go out and have fun. Just be willing to be flexible.

6. Understand her Priorities

In a single mom's life, she has a lot of priorities.  She may not even be sure which ones are at the top all of the time because they all seem mission critical to her.
That doesn't mean that you aren't a priority, but her priorities may shift on different days just depending on how the day goes. Some days you may find yourself wondering where you fall in her priority list, and this is where flexibility and communication come in.
If she is including you in her life, then she wants you in her life. Be flexible and communicate often, and she will find a way to show you just how big a priority you are to her.

7. Be Considerate of Her Time

The single mom is generally torn between her kids, her social life, and a million other responsibilities that she has no one to share with.
Given this, it's a good idea to be a little considerate of the time in which she has to do all of those things.
If you call her up on a Saturday afternoon for a date that night, it is very likely she will turn you down.
This will be no reflection on you, but more likely a matter of her simply having something else to do, such as laundry or her spare time to rest.
Find out about her kids and you'll know when she's free unless of course she's out with her friends! It shouldn't be that hard to get her to pick you over them. Also find out about when her kids' have vacations and you can be a step ahead planning anything with her.
You can also get her on a date with the help of her kids if you play your cards well, e.g "i'll buy you a phone of your choice if you ask your mom to go on a date with me" words like this would make her feel comfortable knowing her kids are ok with her going on a date with you.

Single moms could be awesome and thats why you need to treat her right and always remember, she has been hurt either she was left by her man or he died, so make her happy.

8. Expect to Be Involved with Her Children

Most single moms are hesitant to take this step until she is pretty sure you are both on the same path. Treat this occasion delicately, and treat it with the respect and appreciation it deserves. Be honored that she is including you in the most important part of her life.

Play Daddy and Husband, The first-time WILL be nerve-wracking for you, and it will be for her as well, but she would not have you there if she didn't want you there. She will take the steps
necessary to make it easier for you.

9. When the Kids Don't Like You

Take heart in the knowledge that this is not only possible, but likely. It's a normal rite of passage for kids of single parents, they feel obligated to have some apprehension at first. Knowing that, don't take it personally.
Talks will resume between mom and the kids as time goes on, but this is an issue with the kids, not with you. You are a threat to their mom's time, you are a threat to their relationship with their dad, or you are just simply a threat that they don't welcome.
Let Mom handle this one, if this relationship has longevity, she will work on them.
Keep being genuine, but most of all, have patience. With time, those kids will learn exactly why mom is so crazy about you, just make sure you do eveything possible to make good friends with them.

10. Most single moms are not looking to be rescued

Don't ride in on a white horse and expect her to fall grateful at your feet. If you want a woman who's clingy, keep looking. Many single moms are quite independent and happy with who they are, and they're looking for a friend and companion. With any luck, that might be you.

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