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Saturday, January 17

One of the Kardashian girl Kendall Jenner Said she miss her Life as a kid.....

She might get a lot of fame and fortune but the reality star still miss her day as a child...

She said "Having older siblings, you grow up around adults, so you mature more quickly. I saw my
sisters and parents working every day, so I was pretty much brought up to be a workaholic. But I just turned 19 a couple weeks ago, and I'm scared to be 20 - it's the
first step out of being a teenager."

Kendall celebrated her birthday back in November, and whilst she realises that she can't slow down the ageing process, she's determined to have fun and cling on to her childhood for as long as she can. "My sister Khloé Kardashian  always says to me and my younger
sister, Kylie: You have your whole life to be an adult but only so long to be a kid. And we get it," she revealed....

The Kardashian girl still want to be immature,so she can party and address everything as if she is still a, 12year old kid,so even though she made a mistake,the matter can be address as if she was a kid...
But right now, it's not possible anymore...

I also miss my life as a child,though adulthood is more fun... What about you???

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