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Thursday, February 5

Cameroonian Singer Dencia Says A Prayer For Whitney Houston Daughter Bobbi Kristina

We all know that since the day Whitney Houston daughter is found in the tub face down,she hasn't been doing fine and recently she off life support which makes everyone nervous of what will happen next..

A beautiful Cameroonian singer and businesswoman Dencia feel so bad for her as she used her Instagram page to send out a prayer for Bobbi Kristina....

She posted :

' Heavenly Father, I thank you for all you have done for us , we worship and adore you because you are our lord & savior . I ask you now to bless Bobbi Kristina in the name of Jesus. In healing her body, mind and soul to become healthy . Embrace her family and friends in comfort and peace knowing you are almighty and continually seeking you in prayer , knowing all things are possible with Jesus. as it is written in John 14: 27 " My peace I give you. " Stay strong in God' s word, when we ask anything in Jesus name it is well done with
Him . Keep the faith , FAITH SEES THE INVISIBLE , BELIEVES THE IMPOSSIBLE ,RECEIVES THE INCREDIBLE, NO MATTER WHAT WAS, FAITH MOVES THE UNMOVABLE , PROVES THE UNPROVABLE FOR ANYONE WILLING TO TRUST ,BELIEVE AND YOU ' LL SEE WHAT FAITH DOES God has dispatched His angels around Bobbi Kristina and his protection is with her at all times. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart , and lean not unto thine own understanding , but in all thy ways acknowledge Him and he will direct our path . {Proverbs 3: 5 &6 } Peace and blessings to Bobbi Kristina and her family . In jesus name I pray, AMEN .
# bobbikristina # GodIsGood
# GodPleaseHearOurPrayers
# GiveHerAnotherChance
# WhitneyPleaseSendHerBack
# TheYoungMustNotDie '

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