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Thursday, March 19

Bass Guitarist Andy Fraser Dies At Age 62

Bassist Andy Fraser, by full name  Andrew McLan "Andy" Fraser an English songwriter and bass guitarist whose career lasted over forty years and includes a notable period as one of the founding members of the rock band Free in 1968, at age 15, has died in California at aged 62....

The musician died on Monday and he had been fighting cancer and Aids, according to an official statement regarding his death...

The Riverside County coroner said the cause of death was not yet known and remains under investigation...

"A survivor of both cancer and Aids, Andy was a strong social activist and defender of individual human rights," the statement read.

"He leaves behind his daughters Hannah and Jasmine Fraser, and their mother Ri, his sister Gail, brothers Gavin and Alex, and many friends and associates in the industry."..

May His Soul Rest In Perfect Peace

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