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Saturday, March 7

Willow and Jaden Smith Dazzle For ‘Billboard' And Talks About There Inspirations

The daughter and son of actors Will Smith and Jada Pinkett, Willow and Jaden Smith talks about their
fashion inspirations,their opposition to auto-tune and more...

Their interview with Billboard for the March 14 issue reaffirms this notion goes as :

Mom (a.k.a. Jada Pinkett Smith):

"When I was younger, my brother and I toured with my mom's band, Wicked Wisdom , so heavy metal was one of the first types of music I heard a lot and I'm still really inspired by it," says Willow. "I'm into Lolawolf, Tune-Yards , the Runaways, Pink Floyd , and I freaking love Bikini Kill! My mom listens to my playlists on Hype Machine all the time and I listen to hers -- that's how I found out about Radiohead and Lamb of God ."


"High-fashion nomad," Willow says of her style aesthetic. "I could literally climb a mountain and survive a couple nights in nature. That's a requirement for my clothes because one day I was on the freeway and I saw a mountain, so I literally just pulled over and climbed it. If you're an artist, the way you dress also gives people a vibe of how your music is and your personality."


When asked if he ever felt fashion pressure, Jaden says he, "has an 'Einstein uniform.' Einstein didn't
really like to change clothes because he had too much other stuff to worry about and I'm the same. All black is pretty much my go-to look. If somebody is just wearing something for the blogs,
that's really sad because they're not living for themselves, versus someone wearing a kimono who's having an awesome time. I really look to see, do you care more about what other people think, or are you having fun?"

Batman and Robin:

"People have ideals and they have a certain thing that they expect because of growing up in a certain society and I'm just trying to break those ideals," says Jaden who recently designed unconventional looks for his men's MSfTS line."Fabrics definitely inspire me and superhero comic book characters inspire my clothes. That's why I like to wear long drapey things because I want to look like Batman and Robin. I want to hit the polarities of life, show people that there's a duality; there's two sides to everything."

'The Beauty Of Life':

"When the sun goes down, when the song comes up. When I'm in nature. When I'm just by myself and walking around and just looking at the world happening around me, those are the moments that really inspire me," says Willow. "Those moments where the mind is completely gone and you're just
looking at the beauty of something. When I'm crying and I'm sad about something, I'll just sit there and be like; this is the beauty of life. When I'm happy and I'm joyful about something with my friends, I sit there and am like, this is the beauty of life. When I'm hurt and I'm crying I say yes, this is the beauty of life. Someone sent me down here to
experience all of these things. So that's what really inspires me with my music."

Opposition to Auto-tune :

"I don't like having any effects on my voice, I feel like putting a lot of Auto-Tune on it really covers up the essence of you and is like putting a cloud over real true emotion," says Willow.

Each Other:

" Kanye , Jay Z and Willow -- those are all people I watch out for," says Jaden. "The music Willow listens to is really really interesting. She's really amazing, probably my favorite artist and we collaborate any time that we can."

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