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Tuesday, July 21

I Want To Become The Next James Bond - A$AP Rocky

Rapper A$AP Rocky, want to become the next James Bond but a black one, though he might have only starred in one movie, the newly-released Dope where he plays a drug dealer named Dom, but he feels ready to take on a major movie role such as the iconic James Bond...

As you know, the role is currently held by Daniel Craig, but there are speculations that the next man of mystery might be UK actor Idris Elba. Rakim agrees it is time to offer the watchers a Black Bond and even shared he sees himself as the next 007.

"I'd like to see me as the next Bond. We need a black James Bond. I'd get the job done and I'll look better than any other Bond that has ever lived. All I need is a six-pack."

On a different note, in the interview Rocky also reflected on his shady past as he recalled selling drugs as a teenager. He also claimed he has never tried crack, because he is well aware this particular narcotic is extremely addictive.

"I sold drugs I'm not proud of when I was 15. As I got older, I was known for selling marijuana. I don't recommend heroin, crack, meth, Xanax, OxyContin or opium. Did I ever try crack? Hell no! Crack is like something out of The Lord of the Rings. Once you f*** with the Ring, it sticks with you," he said


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